Journal of Psychology and Social Studies™


p style=”text-align: justify;”>Journal of Psychology and Social Studies™ (JPSS) is a multidisciplinary journal publishing high-quality articles focusing on critical strategic and international issues in Psychology, Education, e-Learning, Ethics and Social Studies (mostly emphasizing important Health Administration matters, Nursing, and Computer Science applications that have important social implications, and all other sub-areas of research exploration closely associated with these fields.
The audience of the Journal of Psychology and Social Studies includes academics, administrators, business persons, and practicing teachers.

The Journal is Published 4 Times a Year (this information is current as of February 1, 2018)

This is not an open access journal and is exclusively limited to the members of Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies and subscribers of the Journal.

Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies is dedicated to the preservation of all manuscripts we publish. We believe that preserving the groundbreaking research published in our journals is not only good for the authors, but also for the next generation of researchers and scholars.

All of our previously published manuscripts are stored on multiple servers around the globe via our website. Under this arrangement, our published research will be available online for the members of Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies.


Dr. Richard Lawrence
Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas, USA

ISSN 2327- 7017      ⇒       Print Since 2008

The Journal is Published 4 Times a Year (this information is current as of February 1, 2015)

JPSS Focus and Scope

Instructions for Authors and Manuscript Guidelines

JPSS Editorial Board

JPSS Editorial Polices

Publication Ethics Policy

Policies Concerning Publication Malpractice

JPSS Digital Preservation and Archiving

JPSS Sponsorship

JPSS Library